Call for Papers
Today, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) have emerged to enhance the efficiency of existing transportation schemes by providing greater services and efficiencies while enhancing safety and security in the mobility of people and merchandise. One of the evolving research topics in ITS is Internet of Vehicles (IoV) which aims to form a large network of vehicles and other wireless elements and infrastructures. Autonomous vehicles are also an important aspect of ITS providing real-time sensing and detection of safety threats, optimizing route / task planning, power consumption, coordination and collaboration with other vehicles while performing smart self-diagnostics and maintenance under different operating environment.
A natural evolution of IoVs is the Internet of Autonomous Vehicles (IAV) which extends the operational benefits of connected vehicles through incorporating intelligent real-time information processing, adaptation, self-learning and self-healing capabilities. In such system, Unmanned Areial Vehicles (UAV) autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) could support surveillance and monitoring, search and rescue and anomaly and threat detection as well as accurate inspection, characterization tasks that are communicated to people or other terrestrial devices and robots.
However, there are several open research issues concerning the effective employment of multiple connected heterogeneous autonomous vehicles and devices for IoV applications such as: efficient and smart management of the autonomous vehicles and devices, reliable and secure communication between heterogeneous autonomous vehicles and devices and connectivity between autonomous vehicles. Due to the dynamic nature of the environment, operating conditions and mission objectives, balancing these issues becomes a challenging task. Hence, there is a need to develop novel techniques to manage and optimise real-time operation of these complex communication platforms in the face of dynamic and uncertain real-world deployment scenarios.
This special session aims at bringing together scholars from academia and industry to discuss and present the latest research and findings on all the aspects of IAVs.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Communication Architectures for IAV
Dynamic spectrum management for IAV
Energy harvesting and power management in IAV
Connectivity and coverage
Security and privacy
Scheduling techniques
Novel applications of IAV
Sensing and actuation in IAV
Software-defined network (SDN) for IAV
Network modeling and Performance evaluations of IAV
Computational Intelligence techniques for IAV
Cloud/edge/fog computing in IAV
Important Dates
January 22, 2019 Submission Deadline
February 16, 2019 Notification of Acceptance
February 28, 2019 Camera-ready copies of accepted papers
For further information visit the conference website: INAVEC